The Bent Fork - Summertime Maine Clambake

The Bent Fork - Summertime Maine Clambake

I did not have a thing to do with this other than have a great night dinner with my friends!  I was thrilled to get a package from my friend a few days before she came into town ....summertime is the perfect time for a clam bake...but who has the time?  Dean & Deluca's is the perfect solution!  We cooked it up - one, two, three and pour a great light white and were on our way!  So, this time - I have only the D &D boys to thank!

All of the delight; none of the digging. We've put the perfect clambake for two into a ready-to-heat bag that can simply be popped into the oven or on the grill. Each foil bag contains two 5- to 6-ounce Maine lobster tails, a dozen mussels, a dozen clams, eight large shrimp and a dozen baby potatoes, in a light lemon butter. Shipped frozen.

nom, nom, nom.


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